Tuesday, February 4, 2014

4 things

God has taught me a lot the past few days.

1st. I cannot play the victim card. I am not a victim. I am victorious through Christ.

Let me explain....A few months ago I was asked about my life story. Everything. I shared, and did the unthinkable for me...I began to feel sorry for myself. I began to feel sorry for what I've been through.

I cannot feel sorry for myself. I cannot play the victim card, Because I AM NOT A VICTIM! God has made me victorious in his son. With Christ's help, I have conquered all the obstacles the devil has thrown my way. By playing the victim card, I am hiding all the wonderful things God did to bring me through it.

I will not be defined by my past. I am changed because of it. I would never choose to change what I have been through because it has shaped who I am today.

Romans 8:37- In All these things, I am MORE THAN VICTORIOUS through Christ who loves me.

2nd. God loves us like crazy!

Have you ever really, REALLY thought about that?

God sent his son. The only son he would ever have, and allowed him to die for 7 billion people who may or may not choose to understand and thank God for his sacrifice! He did it for each of us. Me. You. The lady down the street. The man in jail. The murder in africa. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM! That"s AMAZING!

3. I am blessed.

I am blessed with people who pour into my life.
I am blessed with people who listen, and care about what new in my life.
I am blessed with a Job that I love, that influences others, and glorifies God.
I am blessed with a purpose on this earth.
I am blessed to be able to live out that purpose without fear of being persecuted and killed.
I. Am. Blessed.

4. I am full of emotions about this Zimbabwe Mission Trip.

I am excited, scared, bursting to go, yet feeling overwhelmed by it all.

I have been on missions trips before. I have been exotic places and seen the lost, hungry, homeless and poverty stricken.

But this is different. I can't explain it. Its nerve racking, exciting, inspiring, and scary all in 1.

I know God is going to do some great things in the lives of the people who live in zimbabwe and for our Team. Lord, Put a hedge of protection around us. Soften the hearts of the people who we will come in contact with. Prepare us. Prepare our hearts. Prepare our minds. Prepare our spirits.

In Christ,


Listening to: Build Your Kingdom Here by Rend Collective

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